Cartoon of the Week: Google, Microsoft and Apple ending their cease-fire

Microsoft and Google have decided to stop playing nice and are shutting down their legal ceasefire as antitrust security intensifies.
Under the terms of the deal agreed upon in 2015, the two companies have agreed to try to stop attacking one another and resolve their disagreements before reporting issues to regulators.
Google, Microsoft, Apple
Now such a breakdown will leave both companies more vulnerable to regulatory pressure.
The first signs of strain appeared when Microsoft protested to Google that its Search Ads 360 wasn’t keeping up with the new features and types in Microsoft’s search engine, Bing.
That means that it was easier for Marketers to advertise using Google spots than Microsoft ones costing the latter hundreds of millions in ad revenue every year.
“If you want to advertise, if you want to sell advertising or buy advertising on the internet, you have to use Google’s tools, and when they make their tools in a manner that fails to interoperate easily with others, it impacts everybody,” said Microsoft president Brad Smith.  “We raised the concerns with them and they just turned a deaf ear.”
Microsoft is also attacking another giant tech company “Apple”.  Apple has been lately facing legal pressure and complaints as it controls how developers can earn money through the App Store and restricts any app that appears like a competitive store.
Not only that, but it seems that Apple has even prevented Microsoft from delivering an app where people could get access to play cloud-based video games on iOS.
As a result, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella positioned his company as the anti-Apple claiming that “Today the world needs a more open platform, one that allows apps to become platforms in their own right,” and that with Windows 11, Microsoft is “introducing new store commerce models and policies and creating new opportunities for local publishers,” Nadella said.
What an entertaining show!
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I am a marketer and social media junkie. I work to optimise eXo’s online brand with content, social media technologies and digital marketing. I mainly write cartoons but I am also a big fan of topics related to internal communications in the digital workplace. I would love to connect with you, so get in touch and join our LinkedIn group ‘Intranet & Digital Workplace’.
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