- Ministry of Social Affairs, Schleswig-HolsteinGermany
The northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein has a population of 2.9 million.
- The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)United States
UCLA builds a social e-learning platform for worldwide education of health specialists
- The Paraguay Ministry of FinanceParaguay
The digitalisation of the tax process has become a necessity for governmental organisations.
- Oman Business ForumOman
eXo Platform facilitates collaboration and communication between Public & Private Institutions in Oman
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)United States
NCTSN implements a social e-learning platform for worldwide education of health specialists.
- UnapeiFrance
Unapei 92 is a family association named after the national movement Unapei of which it is a member and representative in the Hauts-de-Seine department.
- ProEpiBrazil
ProEpi and the UNB Situation Room use eXo Platform to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the eXo Grants Program.
- APAS-BTPFrance
APAS BTP is an associative structure organised by activity centres, each of which has its own specific characteristics
- CerfranceFrance
Cerfrance Seine Normandie, a leader inconsulting and chartered accountancy, chose eXo Platform to build its new digital workplace.
- France BénévolatFrance
France Bénévolat is a national network dedicated to connecting volunteers and associations across France.
- CodereItaly
Codere uses eXo daily to consolidate their 640 gaming machines financial data
- CAIXA BankBrazil
Caixa builds an intranet system and a customer extranet for jewelry-backed loans
- The Elysée PalaceFrance
French Presidency boosts staff efficiency through mobile collaborative intranet
- The French National GendarmerieFrance
The National Gendarmerie, which is part of the French public forces, has a public security and judicial police mission.
- Ministry of Foreign AffairsFrance
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs builds a central knowledge base for its 14,000 agents in 250 countries
- The local government of Val d’OiseFrance
Regional Government Val d’Oise builds collaborative Intranet for its 4,000 agents
- UCSFUnited States
The UCSF implements an internal communication platform for one of its key departments.
- The State Pensions ServiceFrance
French State Pensions program modernizes digital experience for five million beneficiaries
- Rennes Métropole and City unleashFrance
The City of Rennes and the metropolitan community have combined their resources to pursue a large variety of initiatives.
- NaftogazUkraine
Naftogaz is the state-owned national oil & gas company of Ukraine.
- InterartsSpain
Interarts is an independent non-profit organization that has been promoting human development through culture since 1995.
- MutavieFrance
Mutavie integrates client extranet and client facing website to offer a unified experience to its 1,200,000 subscribers
- Generali FranceFrance
Generali France manages home insurance policies,car insurance or life insurance and online retirement savings.
- ALD AutomotiveFrance
ALD Automotive upgrades its fleet management portal to eXo Platform for a modern and efficient customer experience
- AEFFrance
AEF info is a professional digital press group that covers press and event planning activities.
- ASTIAFrance
The challenge for Astia was to have a solution in which they can communicate , collaborate on projects, and find critical information.
- CSEMSwitzerland
CSEM embraces a modern and easy-to-use digital workplace to engage communities and promote collaboration.
- Vivalto SantéFrance
Founded in 2009, Vivalto Santé is one of the leading providers of private hospital services in France today.
- Magiq SoftwareNew Zealand
MAGIQ Software, an international software vendor, partners with eXo Platform to modernise its cloud services
- ValbirseSwitzerland
Valbirse is a Swiss municipality located in the canton of Bern, with more than 4,000 inhabitants.
- Excellence VégétaleFrance
Excellence Végétale choose eXo Platform to build a collaborative portal that connects members and facilitates knowledge sharing.
- CETIHFrance
CETIH opted to implement eXo Platform as their new digital hub because of its rich set of advanced communication and collaborative features.
- The Alpes-Maritimes ADMR FederationFrance
The Alpes-Maritimes ADMR Federation supports 34 local associations managed by volunteers.
- Bureau VeritasFrance
Bureau Veritas wanted to create a community site for its clients in the marine sector, mainly shipbuilding and maritime transport.
- HSBCFrance
HSBC France needed a platform where users could access and manage information about their retirement plans.
- First CapitalIvory Coast
Founded in 2017, First Capital is a consultancy with its headquarters in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
- WeishardtFrance
Weishardt chose eXo Platform as its new digital workplace.
- Togo Ministry of TelecommunicationsTogo
The Togo’s Ministry of Telecommunications decided to implement eXo Platform as its new digital workplace solution.
- Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK)Turkey
TUIK want to implement a solution that would connect its different departments, make information widely accessible and foster team and cross-team collaboration.
- MetorVenezuela
Metor looked at a number of digital workplace solutions with the potential to achieve the project’s objectives.
- MonvétoFrance
After a period of evaluation, MonVéto opted to revamp its network with eXo Platform.
- DGFLAFrance
DGFLA chose eXo Platform To modernise the ageing employee experience and improve customer service through collaborative practices and knowledge sharing.
- TIMItaly
Founded in 1994 through a merger of several state-owned companies, the company offers a variety of services, such as telephone, mobile and DSL data services.
- Opalia PharmaTunisia
Opalia chose eXo over other vendors due to its reputation and experience in the collaboration market. With a regional office in Tunisia
- Orange Ivory CoastIvory Coast
OCIT (Orange Ivory Coast) uses eXo PLatform to improve the productivity of sales agents by providing them with a single point of access to customer information.
- Aerospace ValleyFrance
Aerospace Valley is the French competitiveness cluster for the aeronautics, space, and embedded systems sector in the Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie regions.
- AundeGermany
Aunde chose eXo Platform over other vendors’ offerings based on the company’s experience and reputation in the digital collaboration market.
- eXo Platform Streamlines Support Operations via Client Extranet
eXo is the leading open source provider of innovative collaboration and communication solutions for enterprises, with hundreds of successful deployments.
- The Federal University of Santa MariaVenezuela
University of Santa Maria deploys several communication platforms for its students and faculty members
- SigmaFrance
Sigma develops its human resources intranet software based on eXo Platform
- RessourcialFrance
Ressourcial embraces collaborative work in medico-social sector
- iN DemandUnited States
iN DEMAND is a world leader in distributing transactional entertainment via Video On Demand, Pay-Per-View and digital platforms.
- C-Log – JNesis
C-Log is the logistics subsidiary of the Beaumanoir Group, one of Europe’s leading textile distribution groups.
- AlmareloUnited States
Almarelo has built an online marketplace to facilitate working relationships between retired workers and small businesses.
- ONA InvestigaciónSpain
ONA Investigacion is a Spanish cosmetics research company that studies water properties and their application in cosmetics.